Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Singing Rabbit

The Singing Rabbit

By Deborah J Lindsey

It was singing rabbit!  An opera singing rabbit!  I’m not a true fan of opera – but it was a singing rabbit!  Of course, I wanted one, or two if possible.  I became aware of this commercial many years ago, and discovered it again just last night.  The memories engulfed me. There she was!  Still singing opera.  How incredible is the shelf life of things on U-Tubed! 

I was young and more foolish in those far-off days. I had wild visions of never having to worry about money.  I’d be rich, living on Easy Street, rolling in the proverbial dough as it were.  No one I knew or ever heard of had a singing rabbit.  The demand would be huge!  People would pay any amount to see and hear her sing. 

So. After investing all my living in this candy company who apparently owned this marvelous singer and renting many opera halls and countless orchestras to play accompaniment to this diva when she was mine, I was sorely disappointed.

I hardily searched. I even went to the super bowl where I heard many famous commercials were aired.  I met a fellow there from Oregon, as I recall.  He listened intently to my sad tale as he leaned on his push broom.  I noticed his eyes seemed to glaze over and he began to tell me about a singing frog. Well, I’m not partial to frogs so I only half-listened.  He did make me an offer of a lifetime, he said, as part owner of this frog. He said he had him in his truck.  Well. I wasn’t born yesterday and certainty not in a turnip patch.  I doubt if he had a frog or a truck either for that matter. I made my exit quickly.

Finally, an investigator I hired found the fellow who had owned my dream.  He said the singer was lost one dark and stormy night.  The man claimed the rabbit bit him and escaped into the darkness and was never seen again. I thanked the investigator and paid him his remaining fee.  He bowed and stuffed the cash into his shabby pocket.  Half-way down the walk, he turned and sauntered back to me. Since, I was such a lovely client he said, he would let in on some property that had just come on the market. He said it was in a swamp but could be easily drained if need be.

 I smiled and shook my head and excused myself having many rabbits to attend to.  I explained that I had acquired about a dozen white rabbits thinking perhaps one of them on the off chance might be my “Star”.  I had named them all “Star” of course. but I soon became confused so I was forced to add numbers to the name.  

 “Star Number 9” seemed to have great potential as she thumped loudly when I played Aida and Carmen but “Number 9” turned out to be a boy so   I halted his training.

Even though, I never got rich with a singing rabbit, I did become famous.  Well, in a small way.  I became known as “The Rabbit Lady of Greenwood.”  I discovered that I loved rabbits and successfully rescued many sad “Easter Bunnies” that foolish impulsive parents had purchased for naughty children.

I still dream of my Diva Dream Rabbit.  Perhaps, she is still out there somewhere.  Her commercial debut is. J

Here is her commercial

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