Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Writing Propmt Dialog

Deborah Hare Combo prompt for 7/26/2016:
Dialog only with the last line of
"Okay, but why did you tell me all of this?"

"Okay, it's the monster bit again?"
"So, you agree to help me?"
"Okay", is not agreeing. I asked you a question and I ask you again. It's the monster thing again?"
"Yes, but he's real this time. I know it!"
"Okay, so this monster, like before, looks like a huge snake with fangs that drip blood and you cover your head and scream and scream? Sounds like a pigment to me."
"You mean figment?"
"No, pigment! I was thinking about flying pigs and how impossible this all is."
"What do you want me to do? You need to call your shrink?"
"I can't, he's not taking my calls anymore. You're the only person who can help me. Please say, you will."
"No, I won't do it. You know I'm not into monster hunting anymore."
"Well, just stay and watch a vid with me."
"No BOO! You always want to watch the same one. You have to stop watching yourself on tv!"
"I got chocolate pecan pie and that vanilla ice cream you like. Please say okay."
"Okay, but why did you tell me all of this?"

not exactly the wY i WANTED BUT TIME IS PRESSING.

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