Sunday, October 28, 2012


No news of my friend, save that he is still in surgical ICU.
  I am no longer in the communication loop. The sharpness of her words will  cut me over again into tiny pieces if I should allow it,  He is out of my reach.  It will soon be five months. I send my thoughts and prayers to him through the crisp bite of morning and through the silent darkness of night.  It is enough to know he is still in this world of the living.


 Finger Play

waiting for sleep

my fingers accept the challenge.  remember where the keys are  .the room is quiet, no sounds of geese  or ducks quaking in the night,  no sounds of a far away train rumbling its way along,  different sounds for a different place.

i have no news.  i have been cut off and tossed aside like rubbish that is so easily discarded
i am reduced to haunting obituaries, seeking yet hoping not to find.

how can this be and how has this come to pass.  some time someone will ask this and i will answer, I don't know

my fingers remember in the dark.  I have often found solace in words, but there is none to be found this night.

so the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and the dog lay still as a stone and did not bat an eyelash because he was indeed a very lazy dog.

are you still in the land of the living

 do  you breath your breath in and out in carefully measured puffs

can you sense my thoughts so far away

some one said I am grieving and it must be so and I hope to speak with you of these things if not here then in the land that lies beyond

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