Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The morning was clear and crisp and full with the promise of spring. I walked the short walk to the row of mailboxes and inserted my key.

"Surprise!" The voice shouted.

I wasn't surprised and knew the answer already but I asked anyway.

"Who are you and why are you stalking me?"
"Hey, Lady! I'm pain, It's what I do!"

At  The Movies 

"One please ."

I pushed through the turn stile and handed my ticket to the guy working the line.

He studied it  a moment before tearing it in half and handing me the stub.

"Royle Paine, huh?

 Heard it got bad reviews.

“ Movie Theatre 12, ”    He said without looking up.

Movie Theatre 12 turned out to be quite a trek  and  I was more than ready to sit down by the time I reached it.  The place was almost empty save two old ladies whispering together in the second row.  I   hobbled past them up the risers and took a seat against the wall under the projection booth.    I wanted to be alone.

 I enjoyed  British comedies and settled in for what I hoped would be a couple hours of welcome diversion.  But it was at that moment, the double doors whooshed open and there standing in a single beam of light was my stalker. He’d spoiled a perfectly wonderful morning yesterday and now he had found me again.  I slouched down as far as I could in my seat but I knew he’d seen me.

“Hello Ducky.”  He said in a most  horribly fake British accent as he slid into the seat next to me.

CC Copyright 2011 by DJL

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